Simon rang the O’Shea Plumbing office in Mt Waverley and spoke to Lawrie. His Hot Water Heater had stopped working. Lawrie arranged to meet Simon at 8am the next morning. Simon is an existing client of O’Shea Plumbing and over the years he had been given advice that the installation of the existing hot water heater did not comply with the regulations, and that a Rinnai Infinity would be a great alternative. After inspecting the existing unit, Lawrie gave Simon prices and options to repair, service or replace the hot water heater. The final choice was up to Simon.
Simon decided it was time for a new Hot Water Heater. Lawrie gave him options for a Rinnai Infinity and also for a Rinnai Touch with remote controllers. The benefit of the Rinnai Touch with controllers is it allows the user to select the exact temperature of delivered hot water, avoiding temperature fluctuations and also the danger of a child or elderly person accidentally increasing the water temperature resulting in a scalding. Simon’s second option was a Rinnai Infinity unit, which (amongst other features) has precise temperature control for safety & convenience and never runs out of hot water. Simon accepted the quote for a Rinnai Infinity.

Jarett (O’Shea Service Manager) ordered the materials from the Plumbers Supplies Co-op in Mitcham. The next morning Andrew and Jeremy (O’Shea plumber and apprentice) arrived on site. The first thing they did (as O’Shea Plumbing always do on any gas installation work) was to pressure test the gas installation for gas leaks, further tests are done during and on completion of the job – the tests proved that the system was sound and there were no issues.
Andrew and Jeremy drained and removed the old Hot Water unit and then installed the new Rinnai Infinity system. The job all went well and by the end of the day, Simon and his family had a reliable, highly efficient hot water heater.
O’Shea Plumbing provides maintenance, repairs and installation of hot water systems. Contact us today for a fast quote or call (03) 9888 2887. We’ll come running!